What is An Exclusive Wildlife Stay? Find out on the Exclusive Wildlife Stays Information Page...
If you prefer talking with someone, or you are having difficulties with the online booking page we are very happy to answer your questions by phone or to do a phone booking with you. You can contact us on (03)53566309 or by email or use our Enquiry Form.
Grampians Paradise - Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Welcome Package

links to Exclusive Wildlife Stays information page and Stories from some of those who have experienced an Exclusive Wildlife Stay
Exclusive Wildlife Stays Welcome Package
- information on the program, what to bring and more -
If you are thinking about choosing to undertake an Exclusive Wildlife Stay for your group (or have already booked), this is a really amazing opportunity to immerse yourselves in an ecosystem full of native Australia birds and animals. An ecosystem where the birds and animals are used to humans being part of their world. This gives an unprecedented opportunity to get closer than normal to the wild native Australia animals and birds and watch them go about their daily lives, to witness their intimate moments.
This however is not like a zoo visit. Our native creatures are not contained, they are free to go where they will, when they want. To get the most out of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay there are some things you will need to prepare to bring with you and once you are here things you will need to be prepared to do. The more of these things you do or organise, the more amazing your stay will be.
Please take the time to carefully read this welcome package. Following these suggestions will help make your Exclusive Wildlife Stay a more rewarding experience.
A small, but very important piece of information
There will be no opportunity to feed the wildlife at Grampians Paradise. In fact, it is very important that you don’t. One of the reasons we have such an amazing created ecosystem, full of wonderful native Australian birds and animals, is the wildlife have to fend for themselves. It is the interactions between the creatures (and the creatures and plants) within the food webs that make the ecosystem work. To feed the wildlife will break the food chains and lead to the loss of our wildlife.
Important things to plan for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay:
Unless you are staying in one of our vintage on-site caravans you will need to bring your own tent, camper trailer or motorhome and the equipment that you need to be comfortable staying on one of our powered or unpowered camping/caravan sites.
If you are staying in one of our vintage on-site caravans, they are equipped with eating and cooking equipment (but no microwave). However, you do need to bring all your own bedding (doonas / sleeping bags, sheets, pillows, towels etc).
Whether you are staying in one of our on-site caravans or on a site, the showers and toilets are located centrally in the camping ground at our amenities building.
There is also a basic camp kitchen available for your use. It is set up on a verandah with gas barbeques, a 4 burner gas stove top, a large single gas ring, fridge and freezer, electric kettles and power points.
Please note there is no microwave or oven.
You will need to bring your own cooking equipment (eg. cutlery, plates, bowls, utensils, pots and pans, chopping board etc).
Food – You will be self-catering, so please bring all the food and drink you will need.
The closest shop is Pomonal, a 10 minute dive away – open from 8am to 6pm most days, Sundays 10am to 4pm and limited hours on public holidays. The closest supermarket is in Halls Gap, 20 minutes' drive away.
Drinking Water – We have filtered drinking water available from a tap on the outside of the amenities building. Please bring water bottles or containers. We will show you where the drinking water tap is when you arrive.

In summer 2015/16 a pair of willie wagtails successfully raised 2 clutches of chicks right by our front door in the Japanese Maple.
The first cluck of three (two visible in this picture)
fledged and left the nest on the 18th November 2017.
The second clutch ended up being a little miracle, as part way through one of the parent was taken by a nankeen kestrel, leaving the two chicks to be raised by a single parent.
The remaining lone parent worked tirelessly
to feed the two chicks and they too successfully fledged.
Arrival and Departure Times
You are welcome to arrive anytime from 2:00pm on the first day of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
While we can get you checked in late; we highly recommend arriving in the mid afternoon when most of our wildlife is resting and hidden away. This will give you time to set up and settle in before our wildlife becomes active around evening dinner time, when the first organised wildlife walk will occur. In winter this could be from 4pm, in midsummer 7pm (about 2 hours before sunset time).
There is also the opportunity to book an early check in between 11:00am and 2:00pm ($5.00 per person) or a morning check in, which means you can arrive any time from 8:00am onwards ($10.00 per person), but please understand that your Exclusive Wildlife Stay does not begin until 2:00pm and that normal camping guests may still be packing up in the morning.
Departure: Standard Check Out time is 11:00am.
On your departure day, there will be no organised activities, however it is a great opportunity for you to watch the wildlife by yourselves (or even individually). This will also give you the opportunity to have breakfast in a relaxed manner before packing and leaving by the standard check out time of 11:00am.
You are more than welcome to book either a late check out at $5.00 per person (leaving between 11:00am and 2:00pm) or an afternoon check out (at $10.00 per person), giving you an option to stay at Grampians Paradise until 5:00pm, but please understand that your Exclusive Wildlife Stay ends at 11:00am on the day of your departure and that from lunch time on normal camping ground guests may be arriving.
Transitioning to or from a normal stay at Grampians Paradise:
Subject to availability, it is possible to book nights before or after your Exclusive Wildlife Stay as normal camping ground guests, but please remember that the camping ground would be running in the normal mode and that other guests may be staying at Grampians Paradise on the nights outside of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay nights.

An Exclusive Wildlife Stay couple watching an Emu in the grounds of Grampians Paradise. This Emu loves the food it can forage for in the camping ground,
but is quite shy and prefers to come into the camping ground when it is quite and only a few people about.
Colours of clothing that work best for watching wildlife are earthy colours - browns, greens, khaki and grays for during the day.
For night time blacks and dark blues are also good.
Things to bring:
You will need clothing to suit a range of temperatures from warm to very cold. Even in summer the nights can sometimes be very cold and some of the best times to be out watching the wildlife is in the very early morning, late in day and the night when temperatures are lower.
The colour of your clothing is important if you want to get close to wildlife.
Please leave your Hi-Visibility workwear at home. Fluoro colours can frighten the wildlife – sometimes so much so that you won’t be getting anywhere near them. What works best is earthy browns, greens (like trees leaves or grass colours), khaki and grays for during the day. For night time blacks and dark blues are also good. Also avoid clothes that rustle or make noise.
While not necessary, camouflage clothing works very well for wildlife watching.
Wet weather gear: While we will endeavour to work around wet weather (it's very rare that it rains all day) the native animals still have to eat... They often continue to be out and about at their favoured times regardless of rain. To facilitate viewing at these times, please bring wet weather gear. Once again, earthy colours are best.
Please bring solid footwear suitable for walking on rough ground. Darker or earthy colours are the best (definitely not fluoro coloured footwear). Avoid footwear that makes lots of noise.
Camp (folding) chairs or a picnic rug:
It is very easy to spend much time (even hours) just sitting watching our wildlife. Having a chair or rug that is portable and easily to set up is really worthwhile.
But like your clothes these need to be earthy colours which our wildlife are more comfortable with. Folding chairs that can be set up without making much noise will save on scaring off the wildlife.
Perfume, aftershaves or deodorants – stuff that smells:
Many native birds and animals have an acute sense of smell and know so much about the world around them by what they smell. The more natural you smell, the more accepting of you the wildlife will be. You will have far greater chance of getting closer to our wildlife if you leave perfumes, aftershaves or deodorants at home and don’t use them on the day you are traveling to Grampians Paradise for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.

When there are only a very few people about, the kangaroos are happy spending parts of the day grazing and resting in the grounds of Grampians Paradise.
The photo below is one of the photos taken on this day in spring 2022 with this full frame camera and a 400mm lens. This photo was taken with a mobile (cell) phone.
If you like taking photos, please feel welcome to bring your camera
From small to large cameras, it is ok to bring your kit, (tripods are ok too).
We often get quite close to the native birds and animals so even a small camera is worthwhile to bring.
For those of you who film video and or record sound, it is worthwhile bringing your equipment. Grampians Paradise often has an amazing sound scape of nature sounds.
While not necessary, if you have binoculars, bring these too.

This mum kangaroo (identified by her white nose and shaggy hair) is one of the mob that spends most of her time within the camping ground.
If you look closely at the previous photo (the one showing the camera rig and kangaroo mob), she is at the back near the lake.
This photo taken during spring 2022 with a Canon 6D full frame camera and 400mm f5.6 Canon telephoto lens.
Torch for light for night time walks:
Please bring a torch. The best are head torches and better still ones that can produce a red light.
Red light does not destroy night vision and is accepted much more by the nocturnal wildlife.
Red cellophane (and a rubber band) can be used effectively on a standard torch.

Most nights kangaroos spend the night grazing the green grass on the sites and open areas of Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland.
This picture was taken in winter 2022 with a phone camera under torch light (phone Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G).
On night walks that are part of Exclusive Wildlife Stays we will use
red coloured spotlight torch which are less disturbing for the night active creatures.
Your Exclusive Wildlife Stay will be a mix of guided wildlife walks and watching as well as time for yourselves. The times where we are not with you, you are still very welcome to wander to find the native birds and animals and spend time watching them. If you get the chance to do this alone as a solo person, this gives the very best opportunities to see our wildlife doing what they do when no one is around.
Set activities (and meal times):
While the program is highly likely to be varied to suit when our wildlife is active (and the weather conditions), a typical 2 nights stay would follow this pattern.
Early Evening wildlife walk:
On the day you arrive, a walk and watch session from the time the wildlife starts coming out. This often starts around 2 hours before sunset time, and for much of the year overlaps people’s dinner time, so plan for an early dinner (finish your meal by 2 hours before sunset) or late to very late dinner (between sunset time and dark).
To find sunset times search google for “Sunset time Halls Gap, Victoria, Australia” and add in the date of your trip.
Dawn and sunrise:
At the end of your first nights sleep at Grampians Paradise the mornings adventure will be a dawn and sunrise walk. If you’re up for it (it is very, very worthwhile – not to be missed), up very early to catch the morning chorus of the native birds followed by sunrise and the early morning activity of the native animals and birds.
Plan for breakfast around 2 hours after sunrise, after our early morning wildlife adventure.
To find sunrise times search google for “Sunrise time Halls Gap, Victoria, Australia” and add in the date of your trip.
We will make plans for the time you need to be up for the dawn adventure the night before, as this varies greatly depending on the time of year and is also influenced by the weather conditions on the day.
It can be worthwhile having some dried fruit or nuts in you pocket to nibble.
While this is not a formal activity, we highly recommend resting (or if you can manage it, a daytime sleep), as we will be up late for the night time walk.
After all, most of the animals and many of the birds are resting during the middle of the day, particularly if it is hot.
Early Evening of the second night:
Time for a self-guided walk, or sit and watch the wildlife.
Have your evening dinner either early (before the early evening wildlife activity, or late around sunset / dusk) and be ready for the night time walk.
Night time walk to see the nocturnal creatures:
Once last light has gone and the stars are fully out, (10:00pm in mid-summer and 8:00pm in mid-winter) we start the night walk. We will lead this with a red coloured spotlight torch (less disturbing for the night active creatures). The night time walk can easily take up 2 hours, particularly if there is a bit going on in the dark with the nocturnal animals.
Last guided activity:
For a 2 night stay, the night walk on the second night of your stay will be the last guided activity, so that you can sleep in (if you need) before you prepare to leave Grampians Paradise.

Brush Tailed Possums are nocturnal creatures that can often be seen at night in the trees at Grampians Paradise. This one was a little closer than normal.
Normally when undertaking the night walks as part of an Exclusive Wildlife Stay red coloured torches are used as they are less disturbing for the night active creatures.
This photo was taken in winter 2017 with a mobile (cell) phone under torch light (a Samsung Galaxy Note5).
If you have particular interests:
(eg. Native birds, nocturnal animals, frogs, photography, videography, sound recording or even the night skies – stars and Milky Way), please let us know so we can shift the focus more of the time towards your particular interest.
If you are keen to learn about what it takes to build a created ecosystem and encourage native animals and birds to live on your land, we can also make that a focus of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
If interesting things are happening with the wildlife outside of the times of the guided walks and watching, we’ll come and let you know and can take you to the action. (We’ll check in with you as to whether you would like these notifications).

Pobblebonk Frog, the second largest frog species (after the endangered Growling Grass Frog) that resides at Redman Bluff Wetlands and Grampians Paradise.
There are 8 or 9 species of native Australian Frogs at Grampians Paradise. Winter and Spring and the times of year to hear the frog chorus from our many wetland ponds.
This photo was taken in spring 2016 with a Samsung Galaxy Note5 phone.
For Longer Exclusive Wildlife Stays
For Exclusive Wildlife Stays of 3 nights or more the activities will be tailored to get the best possible wildlife watching over the time you are here.
Being Prepared
Australian wildlife knowledge:
While it is very worthwhile spending some time preparing for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay (hence providing you with this Welcome Package), you do not need any prior knowledge of the Australian wildlife of the Grampians National Park and surrounding area as we are able to share with you our knowledge about our native animals and birds and help you gain an understanding of how they live their lives, and how our Grampians Paradise ecosystem works.
Travel insurance and cancellation policy:
As part of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay, we close off our booking diary for all other bookings for the dates of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay. Because of this our cancellation policy is quite strict and is not open for negation or reconsideration because of unforeseen or tragic circumstances. To cover for the loss of your booking fees for an Exclusive Wildlife Stay, should you have to cancel, we highly recommend you look at taking out travel insurance for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Cancellation Policy page
Welcome from the Banfield’s and Beckitt’s of Grampians Paradise
We look forward very much to the varied experiences of each individual Exclusive Wildlife Stay and to sharing the magical moments with you during your visit.

One of the old Swamp Wallabies that live out their last years at Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland. This one was here during Spring 2022.
This photo taken on my
Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G. While normally very shy when younger, the old Swampys slowly get more used to people.
Terms and conditions for bookings and stays at Grampians Paradise
in addition to those listed on the Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Cancellation Policy page:
Follow these links for information on:
Exclusive Wildlife Stays information page,
and the Exclusive Wildlife Stays Welcome Package where there is more detailed information.
Stories from some of those who have experienced an Exclusive Wildlife Stay
The History of the Creation of a wildlife haven at Grampians Paradise
and the story page about my letter to David Attenborough and the letter he sent in reply
Sorry no Pets.
Rates effective 1/3/2022 (Including rates for Exclusive Wildlife Stays) and subject to change without notice.
There is some important and really useful additional informational that you need to read before making a booking to stay at Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland in our Terms and Conditions. We have written and formatted our terms and conditions so that they are easy to read and understand. The terms and conditions information includes information on how you can pay, deposits, what to do if you need to cancel or change the details of your booking, night time noise restrictions after 11:00pm, when and where you can have camp fires and lots of other useful information. Click here to read our terms and conditions.
Grampians Paradise offers a retreat from the pressures of busy life — a place to relax and to relate to a rich and varied country environment. You can take time to sit and enjoy the views of lakes and mountains and listen to and watch the native Australian birds and animals.