What is An Exclusive Wildlife Stay? Find out on the Exclusive Wildlife Stays Information Page...
If you prefer talking with someone, or you are having difficulties with the online booking page we are very happy to answer your questions by phone or to do a phone booking with you. You can contact us on (03)53566309 or by email or use our Enquiry Form.
- Exclusive Wildlife Stays -
- Guided Wildlife Watching
where you are the only guests at Grampians Paradise -
- The best way to experience Australian wildlife at Grampians Paradise -
If you want to get the most amazing experience with the native Australian birds and animals that call Grampians Paradise home (and there are many), the ideal time to stay is when there are no other guests here. Then it truly opens up the best possibility of an amazing wildlife experience. While during non-holiday times it is usual for there to be far fewer guests booked in (and more wildlife about), it is impossible to know in advance when there will be only small numbers staying at Grampians Paradise as we never know how many guests will be here for a given night until that day is over.
But there is a way around this…
To facilitate the best possible wildlife experience at Grampians Paradise
we offer the opportunity to be the only guests amongst our wildlife
on an Exclusive Wildlife Stay...

links to Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Tariffs page and Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Cancellation Policy
What is an Exclusive Wildlife Stay?
An Exclusive Wildlife Stay at Grampians Paradise, is where you get the best possible opportunity to experience seeing the private lives of the native Australian birds and animals within the grounds and surrounding ecosystem of Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland.
During an Exclusive Wildlife Stay at Grampians Paradise, no other guests will be staying (as soon as an Exclusive Stay is booked and paid for, our booking diary is closed off for those days).
An Exclusive Wildlife Stay is a minimum of 2 nights – it takes time to settle into the rhythm of the ecosystem and get to experience the best of the Grampians Paradise Wildlife. Longer stays are also possible, welcomed and are very much worthwhile.
There is a maximum of 8 guests for an Exclusive Wildlife Stay, and we never combine separate bookings for an Exclusive Wildlife Stay – it’s just you, your friends and or family and us (staff and family of Grampians Paradise) and of course our wildlife.
While there can be up to a maximum of 8 people in your group for an Exclusive Wildlife Stay, we highly recommend lower numbers. Smaller groups significantly increase the chances of getting close to the wildlife. The less people there are, the more relaxed and happy the native animals and birds are to go about their normal daily activities while being watched.

Over the years our family group of Eastern Gray Kangaroos have grown to around 20 members, including mums, new joeys and young as well as a few large breading males.
They have become increasing used to people. Even though they are never been fed and have to fend for themselves, sometimes they will let a odd person very close.
This photo was taken on a winters morning in 2015 with a 6 megapixa camera. I (Aidan Banfield) was around 3 metres away from the front kanga.
What's included in an Exclusive Wildlife Stay at Grampians Paradise?
Exclusive Wildlife Stays at Grampians Paradise also include guided walks to watch our native Australian birds and animals. These are tailored around the time our native wildlife is active and can include First Light to Sunrise, Dinner Time to Dark and Night Time walks. The night walks are conducted under red torch light and open up the opportunity to see completely different animals, our nocturnal creatures.
In the middle of the day, we recommend siesta or rest, as this is what the native birds and animals are doing during the heat of the day.
Guided walks can also be tailored around wildlife photography, filming or even sound recording, and there is the option for watching the night sky for the stars and Milky Way. This is best done when there are no clouds and the moon is below the horizon.
Accommodation options are as per normal for our camping ground and caravan park. You can bring your own tent, caravan, camper trailer or motor home (or a rented one) – site fees are included within the Exclusive Wildlife Stay Fees.
Or you can stay in one of our Vintage On-site Caravans (however normal fees apply for the on-site caravans, in addition the Exclusive Wildlife Stay fees.)
To keep more spaces available for Exclusive Wildlife Stays, most weeks, during non-holiday times (during Victorian school term times), we are keeping most Tuesdays and Wednesdays aside for Exclusive Stays bookings. Other times can also be booked for Exclusive Wildlife Stays - subject to availability (no prior bookings having been made for the dates you are looking at), but the prices do vary depending on the dates.

February 2023: A pair of long billed corellas enjoy the shade of the Peppermint Gum Tree near the amenities building of Grampians Paradise.
For much of the year up 100 so of these long lived intelligent cockatoos enjoy resting in the trees during the day (particularly if it is a hot day).
Program for Exclusive Wild Life Stays - wildlife walks and wildlife watching
Your Exclusive Wildlife Stay will be a mix of guided wildlife walks and watching as well as time for yourselves. The times where we are not with you, you are still very welcome to wander to find the native birds and animals and spend time watching them. If you get the chance to do this alone as a solo person, this gives the very best opportunities to see our wildlife doing what they do when no one is around.
Set activities (and meal times):
While the program is highly likely to be varied to suit when our wildlife is active (and the weather conditions), a typical 2 nights stay would follow this pattern.
Early Evening wildlife walk:
On the day you arrive, a walk and watch session from the time the wildlife starts coming out. This often starts around 2 hours before sunset time, and for much of the year overlaps people’s dinner time, so plan for an early dinner (finish your meal by 2 hours before sunset) or late to very late dinner (between sunset time and dark).
To find sunset times search google for “Sunset time Halls Gap, Victoria, Australia” and add in the date of your trip.
Dawn and sunrise:
At the end of your first nights sleep at Grampians Paradise the mornings adventure will be a dawn and sunrise walk. If you’re up for it (it is very, very worthwhile – not to be missed), up very early to catch the morning chorus of the native birds followed by sunrise and the early morning activity of the native animals and birds.
Plan for breakfast around 2 hours after sunrise, after our early morning wildlife adventure.
To find sunrise times search google for “Sunrise time Halls Gap, Victoria, Australia” and add in the date of your trip.
We will make plans for the time you need to be up for the dawn adventure the night before, as this varies greatly depending on the time of year and is also influenced by the weather conditions on the day.
It can be worthwhile having some dried fruit or nuts in you pocket to nibble.
While this is not a formal activity, we highly recommend resting (or if you can manage it, a daytime sleep), as we will be up late for the night time walk.
After all, most of the animals and many of the birds are resting during the middle of the day, particularly if it is hot.
Early Evening of the second night:
Time for a self-guided walk, or sit and watch the wildlife.
Have your evening dinner either early (before the early evening wildlife activity, or late around sunset / dusk) and be ready for the night time walk.
Night time walk to see the nocturnal creatures:
Once last light has gone and the stars are fully out, (10:00pm in mid-summer and 8:00pm in mid-winter) we start the night walk. We will lead this with a red coloured spotlight torch (less disturbing for the night active creatures). The night time walk can easily take up 2 hours, particularly if there is a bit going on in the dark with the nocturnal animals.
Last guided activity:
For a 2 night stay, the night walk on the second night of your stay will be the last guided activity, so that you can sleep in (if you need) before you prepare to leave Grampians Paradise.

Spring 2021: Tawny frogmouth fledgling chick unusually low in one of the melaleuca trees near the camp kitchen at Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland.
If you have particular interests:
(eg. Native birds, nocturnal animals, frogs, photography, videography, sound recording or even the night skies – stars and Milky Way), please let us know so we can shift the focus more of the time towards your particular interest.
If you are keen to learn about what it takes to build a created ecosystem and encourage native animals and birds to live on your land, we can also make that a focus of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
If interesting things are happening with the wildlife outside of the times of the guided walks and watching, we'll come and let you know and can take you to the action. (We'll check in with you as to whether you would like these notifications).
For longer Exclusive Wildlife Stays
For Exclusive Wildlife Stays of 3 nights or more the activities will be tailored to get the best possible wildlife watching over the time you are here.

Autumn 2022: Momma Red-necked Wallaby with her 2022 joey. Much loved residents of Grampians Paradise.
Stories from the heart - from some of our 2022 Exclusive Wildlife Stay participants
From Annamária Rátki - stayed spring 2022
I was lucky enough to spend 3 days at Grampians Paradise doing an Exclusive Wildlife Stay. We rellay didn't know what was waiting for us, hidden, by the feet of the Grampians. The wonders started as soon as we arrived, Aidan, the host and owner of Grampians Paradise greated us with a big smile and bunch of cool brochures. Then we went on a little show-around walk. Least that’s how it started. Soon we were distracted by spotting animal after animal, kangaroos, swamp wallabies, an emu and countless birds.
Our stay continued just as magicly as it started... "Read More"
From James Robertson - stayed spring 2022
I've stayed at the Grampians Paradise campground many times before and I can easily say that the Exclusive Wildlife Stays are the best way to experience the incredible natural wonder that the grounds hold. Without anyone else around, you really can get up close with the animals and have amazing experiences that you wouldn't have otherwise. Waking up in the morning to see kangaroos and wallabies munching outside... "Read More"

Spring 2022: One of the campground mum and joey eastern grey kangaroo on the Lakeside area at Grampians Paradise.
On quite days when there is only a very few people about this area is one of the favourite daytime resting places for our kangaroos.
Being Prepared for and Exclusive Wildlife Stay
While it is very worthwhile spending some time preparing for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay (the Welcome Package page providing you with important information for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay), you do not need any prior knowledge of the Australian wildlife of the Grampians National Park and surrounding area as we are able to share with you our knowledge about our native animals and birds and help you gain an understanding of how they live their lives, and how our Grampians Paradise ecosystem works.
Travel insurance and cancellation policy:
As part of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay, we close off our booking diary for all other bookings for the dates of your Exclusive Wildlife Stay. Because of this our cancellation policy is quite strict and is not open for negation or reconsideration because of unforeseen or tragic circumstances. To cover for the loss of your booking fees for an Exclusive Wildlife Stay, should you have to cancel, we highly recommend you look at taking out travel insurance for your Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
Tariffs (prices) for Exclusive Wildlife Stays and other useful links
How much does an Exclusive Wild Life Stay cost? - It depends on when you stay, how many nights and the size of the group. The Exclusive Wildlife - Tariffs page gives you all the details of the prices.
Stories from some of those who have experienced an Exclusive Wildlife Stay
Environmental and wildlife history of Grampians Paradise
Cancellation policy for Exclusive Wildlife Stays - its different from our cancellation policy for normal stays (not exclusive stays).
The Seasons of wildlife and the wetlands at Grampians Paradise - Link to follow later
Native Australian Birds of Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parakland - Link to follow later
Native Australian Animals of Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parakland - Link to follow later

Spring 2007: One of the echidnas that frequent Grampians Paradise took a bath in one of the small ponds beside the camping ground that form part of Redman Bluff Wetlands.
Story Time: - Grampians paradise is full of wildlife
Kangaroo families that graze our green grass on a nightly basis, a swamp wallaby or 2 enjoy eating our shrubs, wetland herbs and even the English oak acorns when they are in season, possums and gliders in the trees, maybe a million frogs to over 100 species of native birds, of which the summer visits of the emu is a feature. Grampians Paradise is a vibrant, active ecosystem supporting a huge diversity and density of native Australian animals and birds.
There are also at least 4 species of micro bats (all insect eaters), a few echidnas that wander through Grampians Paradise on their rounds of their home range, yellow tailed black cockatoos that call in to feed on occasion, kookaburras, and of course the large white cockatoos – the long billed corellas.
There are so many native creatures here, they are all very wild and live off the natural foods they can gather. They come and go as they please, but now choose to be here most of the time, as the food they can find at Grampians Paradise is good and plentiful and the shelter and environment to their liking. They choose to share this space with us and over the generations (of the creatures) the individual native animals and birds have become used to us and our human visitors. This gives a wonderful opportunity to become part of and to stay within an Australian native ecosystem (all be it a created one link to Environment and wildlife history of Grampians Paradise) and to be able to watch so many of the iconic native Australian birds and animals, up close from within an environment they call their home.
Every day I get to see intimate moments of our native creatures going about their lives. It is something that gives me great happiness every day, it is such a privilege to be able to share in their lives.
When to come to see our wildlife:
As a rule of thumb, the fewer people that are staying at Grampians Paradise, the more of our wildlife will be out and about for you to watch. There are thresholds though. We know through experience that once we have more than around 120 guests the wildlife will tend to head off and “eat out” (away from the camping ground) and come back when the numbers of people drop – they watch and often it is within a matter of hours that the creatures return once our human guests have left. This pattern we observed time and time again over the decades as our old maximum number of guests was around 180 (sometimes 200 people).
During late 2021 and early 2022, we experimented with reducing our maximum numbers of guests. Now we stop taking more bookings at around 115 people, much to the delight of many of our native animals and birds who are remaining much more in the camping ground at the busy times.
But if you want to get the most amazing experience with our native Australian birds and animals the ideal time to stay is when there are no other guests here. Then it truly opens up the best possibility of an amazing wildlife experience. I have always loved the days when we have no or just a few guests, for it is on these days I get to see so much more of our wildlife. I get to be part of their world, to watch them raising their babies, eating and resting and listen to the most amazing birds songs.
I am very happy that our family are now able to share these magical moments with you through the Exclusive Wildlife Stays at Grampians Paradise.
We look forwards to sharing our wildlife experience with those of you who choose to book an Exclusive Wildlife Stay.
Aidan Banfield

January 2014: A dad emu emu worked out that there was good food about the camping ground and Redman Bluff Wetlands for his family of 7 teenage chicks to forage.
During February and March of 2014, a time of year when good suitable food is in short supply, he returned 8 times with his family.
Since then most summers and early autumns, one adult emu (and sometimes a second) have been coming to the campground to feed.
He/she has remembered at what time the various fruits and seeds are ready. When things are quite in the camping ground Emu comes in for a good feed.
There is a very strong chance that the "camp ground Emu" is one of the above chicks that has remembered the good foraging from when he/she was a chick.

All gown up, this adult emu is a regular summer and autumn visitor to the grounds of Grampians Paradise. Photo taken mid January 2023 by the Lakeside Sites.

Four of the 20 or so wild Emus that choose to live on Redman Farm (Grampians Paradise). This photo was taken on an Exclusive Wildlife Stay in Feburary 2023.
Terms and conditions for bookings and stays at Grampians Paradise
in addition to those listed on the Exclusive Wildlife Stays - Cancellation Policy page:
Follow these links for information on:
Exclusive Wildlife Stays information page,
and the Exclusive Wildlife Stays Welcome Package where there is more detailed information.
Stories from some of those who have Experienced an Exclusive Wildlife Stay
The History of the Creation of a wildlife haven at Grampians Paradise
and the story page about my letter to David Attenborough and the letter he sent in reply
Sorry no Pets.
Rates effective 1/3/2022 (Including rates for Exclusive Wildlife Stays) and subject to change without notice.
There is some important and really useful additional informational that you need to read before making a booking to stay at Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland in our Terms and Conditions. We have written and formatted our terms and conditions so that they are easy to read and understand. The terms and conditions information includes information on how you can pay, deposits, what to do if you need to cancel or change the details of your booking, night time noise restrictions after 11:00pm, when and where you can have camp fires and lots of other useful information. Click here to read our terms and conditions.
Grampians Paradise offers a retreat from the pressures of busy life — a place to relax and to relate to a rich and varied country environment. You can take time to sit and enjoy the views of lakes and mountains and listen to and watch the native Australian birds and animals.